

Bloatynosy の設定レジストリ エントリ 一覧

Bloatynosy の設定レジストリ エントリ 一覧



真ん中あたりにある右矢印( > )ですべて追加した後、+Analyze ボタンを押すと未設定のものがピンク色の文字になります。

(+,- で個別に登録することもできる)


- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -


; *Browser
 ; Disable giant search (AI chat) button in Edge Browser
 ; Disable Google Chrome Telemetry
 ; Disable Mozilla Firefox Telemetry
 ; Show hidden files, folders and drives in File Explorer
; Show hidden file name extensions

; *Desktop
 ; Use Apps dark theme
 ; Use Windows dark theme
 ; Disable acrylic Fluent Design effects
 ; Disable Snap Assist
 ; Disable Widgets
 ; Remove Desktop Stickers
; *Taskbar and Start menu
 ; Disable Windows Copilot
 ; Hide Search icon on taskbar
 ; Hide Chat icon (Microsoft Teams) on taskbar
 ; Hide Task view button on taskbar
 ; Hide most used apps in start menu
 ; Pin more Apps on Start menu
 ; Disable start menu Bing search
; *System
 ; Enable Full Context Menus in Windows 11
 ; Remove Windows 11 System requirements watermark
[HKCU\Control Panel\UnsupportedHardwareNotificationCache]
 ; Disable TPM 2.0 Check

; *Gaming
 ; Disable Game DVR feature
 ; Disable PowerThrottling
 ; Adjust visual effects for best performance
* dword:00000002は[パフォーマンスを優先する]になるので、個別に設定している人は注意。

; *Privacy
 ; Disable Diagnostic data
 ; Disable Connected User Experiences and Telemetry
 ; Disable Compatibility Telemetry
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\CompatTelRunner.exe]
 ; Disable Location tracking
 ; Disable Advertising ID for Relevant Ads
 ; Disable Feedback notifications
 ; Disable Suggested content in Settings app
 ; Disable Automatic Installation of apps
 ; Disable Windows tips
 ; Disable Tailored experiences
 ; Disable Apps running in background


- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
